Anasayfa 9 Genel 9 Natural Foods that Strengthen the Immune System

Natural Foods that Strengthen the Immune System

16 Feb, 2023

The immune system is simply a defense mechanism that protects the body against disease. The immune system plays an important role in protecting the body against pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

VITAMINS: Especially in the winter months, we need to consume plenty of vitamins A, C and antioxidants to strengthen our immune system.

VITAMIN A: It is known that as a result of vitamin A deficiency, the immune system is suppressed and the risk of catching viral infectious diseases is increased. Spinach, kale, carrots, eggs, milk and dairy products are good sources of vitamin A.

VITAMIN C: It is known that we need to take vitamin C against flu infections, and we even consume it in the form of tablets as a vitamin supplement in case of illness. The benefits of vitamin C are not limited to these, of course, regular intake of vitamin C strengthens the immune system, protects against cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases and wrinkles on the skin, and helps the skin shine. In addition, vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidant vitamins.

ANTIOXIDANTS: By repairing or preventing oxidative-induced damage and damage at the cellular level, they provide a milder course of health problems that prevent or prevent the occurrence of some diseases. Foods containing rich antioxidants; Strawberry, raspberry, leafy vegetables (such as spinach, cabbage), orange, grapefruit, dark chocolate (85% and above cocoa), carrot, garlic, onion, green tea, seafood.

Kuşburnu Çayı

Beverage Recıpes That Strenghten The Immune System

Rosehip Tea: Rosehip fruit, which has been widely used in the treatment of colds since the middle ages, is very rich in vitamin C. When rosehip tea is prepared with the right technique, the vitamin C contained in it passes into the water.

Recipe; After washing, 2-3 rosehip fruits for each 1 glass of water are poured into the boiling water and boiled for 10-15 minutes on low heat, then left to infuse for 2-3 minutes. In addition, rosehip tea facilitates weight loss as it accelerates metabolism with diet and exercise.

Red Smoothie: It is nutritious and purifying due to the fruits and vegetables in smoothies. While preparing smoothies, seasonal fruits and vegetables are useful for blood sugar control. Your sweet cravings are suppressed and your time to feel full takes longer. A glass of smoothie helps you start the day more energetic. This recipe, which is rich in vitamins A and C, also increases its antioxidant properties thanks to ginger.

Recipe; you can consume 2 medium-sized carrots, 1 medium-sized beet, 1 ring slice of fresh ginger, 1 red apple by passing it through the blader and adding water according to the consistency you want and consume it fresh.


Homemade Probıotıc Yogurt Recıpe To Strengthen The Immune System

Homemade Yoghurt: Probiotics (aka good bacteria in the gut), which we have heard often lately, help both to regulate the digestive system and to strengthen the immune system.

Recipe; your priority should be raw milk from a reliable point of sale. Your milk quantity may vary between 1 and 5 liters. Pour the milk into a deep saucepan, bring the stove to medium heat, and wait for it to boil, stirring intermittently with the help of a wooden ladle. When the milk starts to boil, turn off the stove, boil it for another 15 minutes without removing the ladle from the pot, let it cool. When it reaches 39-43°C (suitable temperature for fermentation), we will be able to start the fermentation phase. Use a kitchen thermometer to understand the temperature of 39-43°C, or if you can hold your pinky finger in the milk for 7 seconds, it has reached the ideal temperature for fermentation. For the fermentation process, before adding the yoghurt to the pot, we need to put it in a deep bowl and add a few scoops of milk to it slowly and warm it up (in order not to cut it). In the last step, pour the mixture we prepared into the jars or containers we will keep, and cover it with the help of a cloth so that it does not touch the mixture, and close the lids of the containers so that it is not too tight (the steam will be removed with the help of a cloth, which will make the yogurt firmer). Then, with the help of another cloth, we cover one more layer to cover all the containers. We keep it in this way for 4 to 6 hours. After the waiting period, we put it in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, you can consume it with your meals, enjoy it!


Recıpe That Strengthens The Immune System

Meat Spinach Recipe from Muğla Cuisine: In this recipe, it will be included that  spinach with meat, which is a source of vitamins and iron that is beneficial for the immune system, with protein-sourced lamb in the winter months. Necessary materials; 500 grams of spinach, 400 grams of lamb, 4 tablespoons of oil, 2 large onions, 1 carrot, 1.5 teaspoons of thyme, 4-5 dried red peppers, 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, black pepper and salt.

Recipe; Wash and chop the spinach well and leave it to wait in vinegared water. Put the oil in a pan, fry the lamb meat that it was cut as cubes lightly until it releases its water and then add boiling water to the top of it a little. After boiling for 5 minutes, we add thyme and cook the meat until it is soft in the consistency of Turkish delight (until the water has evaporated). After the meat is cooked, we add diced carrots and fry for 2 minutes, then cook the dried sprouts. Cut in the same way until they turn pink. Add some tomato paste and mix until the smell is gone. After straining the water of our spinach, we take it into a strainer and add it to the pot after it has been rinsed for the last time, then we add our dried red peppers (in the Muğla region, it is common to dry red peppers by threading in summer and it is a natural storage method) and cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes. We turn off the stove and add our salt and pepper, then mix and let it brew. After letting it brew, you can serve it with yogurt.

You have chance to taste this flavor in Zehra Village Holiday. Book now!

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