Places To Visit In Chine

Places To Visit In Chine

CHINA China, officially the People’s Republic of China. It emerged as one of the Earth’s first civilizations in the fertile yellow river basin in the northern China plain. The political system in China was for thousands of years based on race marshals or...
The Surrealıst Table Of Nature Nevsehır

The Surrealıst Table Of Nature Nevsehır

If you have the idea of a holiday intertwined with nature, culture and history, you enjoy in Nevşehir in all season. Nevşehir, where the continental climate is dominant has many warm baths. You can fly with baloons in all seasons as long as the weather conditions...
Must-See Places in Russia

Must-See Places in Russia

According to the latest data, Russia, with a population of approximately 146 million, is the largest country in the world in terms of surface area. Despite its large lands, only 35% of these lands are suitable for settled life. This is due to adverse climatic...
Places to Visit in Ankara

Places to Visit in Ankara

Ankara, the capital of Turkiye, has witnessed the history of many civilizations over time and reflected its rich cultural accumulations. Our city is also geologically located in the center of Turkiye. Ankara also looks like the beating heart of Turkiye on the map!...
Lycian Walking Way

Lycian Walking Way

The Lycian walking path has the longest walking route with its historical and natural beauties. There are touristic regions such as Ölüdeniz, Kabak Bay, Kaş, Demre, Finike and Adrasan on the road that starts from Muğla and continues to Antalya. This journey takes 21...
Tropic Islands Country: Indonesia

Tropic Islands Country: Indonesia

In the tropical country where it is estimated that there are about 17 thousand islands of various sizes; There is a wide range of habitats from modern cities to primitive tribes. While there are around 6,000 settlements on these islands, the most famous of them is...