Anasayfa 9 travel 9 Mısır


24 Jul, 2022

The Arab Republic of Egypt, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is one of the countries of the Middle East with the largest surface area in the Middle East. Functioning as a bridge between North Africa and the Middle East as its location, Egypt is 11 km from Palestine, 266 km from Israel, and 1000 km from Libya.

The form of government is the republic. Its capital is Cairo. With a population of 104 million, most of the people are Muslim Arabs. Egypt is one of the largest tourist centers of the Middle East. In Egypt, which stands out with halal concept tourism and historical cultural tourism, its economy is mostly dependent on the tourism sector. In addition, it is another income return thanks to its important geopolitical position thanks to the sea crossing thanks to the Suez Canal connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

It has hosted many civilizations throughout history and its roots date back to 7000 years BC. Established in the middle of the Nile River, the Egyptian civilization was one of the greatest empires of the Ancient Age from ancient times. Its people, accustomed to the Nile river, developed and became a civilization in which this geography was superior in many respects. The Roman Empire attacked this region and began the occupation processes. The Ottomans, like the British, came under the rule of the state. Years later, Egypt gained its independence in 1922 and formed the foundations of the current Egyptian Arab Republic. There are numerous historical and cultural artifacts seen today due to various civilizations.



Pyramids of Giza; These pyramids, located in the Giza district in Cairo, are three in number as Mikerinos, Khafre and Cheops, respectively. The largest of them, the pyramid of Cheops, has been one of the 7 wonders of the world. Rumors say that these pyramids have a past history of 9-10 thousand years. It maintains its place among the first places to come when it comes to pyramids in Egypt.

Step Pyramid: The first pyramid of Egypt, built in 2630 BC, contains the tomb of King Zoser. It got its name from here because it is in the form of a step.

Coptic Museum: It was built in 1908, where ancient Egyptian and Christian artifacts are exhibited, and the Alexandria Catalogue was established in a huge area by the Orthodox Church. It is the common haunt of Muslims and Christians.

The Nile; The longest river in the world, the Nile River, which is approximately 7000 kilometers long, allows you to travel with boats departing from various regions in Egypt.

Giftun Islands: Also known as Paradise Islands, which are in the form of islets among the blue clear waters of the Red Sea. Transportation is provided by ships departing from the city of Hurghada. Since it is a Muslim majority, it is possible to swim with a hasema on the island.

St. Catherine’s Monastery: Located on the slopes of Mount Sinai, the monastery was protected by UNESCO in 2002. The construction date of the monastery is shown as between 548-565.

Al-Azhar Park: Located in Cairo, the park is one of the largest public spaces in the world. There are historical symbols and traditional buildings from the past in the park, which is densely green.

Babylon City: This ancient city, which was a castle in the Middle Ages and remained from Babylon, is a stopping point for those who are curious about ancient times.



Egypt has rich contents in terms of food culture due to its wide geographical spread. In Egypt, where Arabic cuisine is common, halal local dishes come to the fore.

Falafel: The famous street food of Middle East countries and Egypt is prepared with chickpeas, garlic, and broad beans. It is made frequently in Hatay region in our country.

Aish Baladi: It has become a traditional bread made since the earliest cultures of Egypt and got its name from the words life and traditional. It is the type of bread that is seen next to every meal.

Umm-Ali: Rice dessert cooked with milk, coconut, raisins and hazelnuts is one of the most famous desserts in the country.



Egypt stands out as a country with many festivals and festivities. If it is necessary to tell about the festivals in Egypt, where there are historical festivals, art festivals or religious festivals;

Cairo International Film Festival: The film festival, held in the opera house in the capital Cairo, makes a significant contribution to tourism, the most established festival of cinema events in the Arab world.

Shem Al Nessim: It is an ancient Egyptian festival celebrated by Muslims and Christians for many years. It is celebrated every year on the first week after the feast of Easter. Muslim and Christian people who meet to celebrate the beginning of spring organize picnics together.



Every day you can get to Egypt by non-stop and direct flight from many points of the world. There are flights from Turkiye to major cities such as Istanbul and Ankara every day, and these flights take about 2 hours. Egypt is sunny and hot for 12 months, and in summer, temperatures can increase to a mega degree due to the influence of the desert climate. November Dec February will be the most favorable months if you want to visit Egypt.



In the country, 90% of the total population is Muslim, Egyptian Christians make up 9%, and other Christian denominations make up 1%. In addition to religious tourism and places of worship for Muslims in Egypt, there are mostly places of worship within the Christian segment.



Arabic is the official language and Saudi and Bedouin Arabic are also used in other cities. Half, if not too many, of the population speaks English. The currency is the Egyptian pound, which is the only official currency in the country. The time is GMT +2. Although the Egyptian people are usually used to it, they should not prefer too open clothes for women and they should have a headscarf with them.

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