Anasayfa 9 Gezi 9 Places to Visit in Ankara

Places to Visit in Ankara

9 Nov, 2022

Ankara, the capital of Turkiye, has witnessed the history of many civilizations over time and reflected its rich cultural accumulations. Our city is also geologically located in the center of Turkiye. Ankara also looks like the beating heart of Turkiye on the map!

There are many museums, parks, plenty of green areas that you can visit with interest in our city, and lakes where you will spend time all day long.

Ankara, in addition to being crowded, is one of the regularly organized cities. As if everything is where it should be, you just decide what you want bookstores, cafes, entertainment centers, shopping centers…


The most popular sighseeing place is Anitkabir in Ankara. The Turks are sad, they have a small smile on their faces, they remember their ancestor with pride. You should visit Ankara even just to offer respect and gratitude to Ataturk. We recommend that you take at least 2 hours of your time and continue the article…


Kızılay Square is the always crowded and lively city square in the center of Ankara; It is the intersection point of important places such as Atatürk boulevard, Gazi Mustafa Kemal boulevard, Ziya Gökalp street, that is, it is the point where you arrive somehow.

If you are a student in Ankara, there are shopping malls, restaurants, cafes, cinema-theatre halls, Güvenpark etc. where you can spend a full day places are located.


  1. It is the Turkish Grand National Assembly building. It was built from pink-purple colored andesite stone known as Ankara stone. The first parliament was convened, you can examine historically important issues such as the foundations of the Republic (the proclamation decision of the Republic was taken by the parliament), Ankara being the capital, and the Treaty of Lausanne with documents and pictures. You can also examine Atatürk’s personal belongings.


It is the II. Turkish Grand National Assembly building. It is the building where Atatürk read his Speech. It has architectural features reflecting Seljuk and Ottoman ornaments. Assembly meeting records, attendance books of deputies, works on Atatürk’s principles and reforms are exhibited.


ankara kale

The deep-rooted historical existence of the castle dates back to BC and is the symbol of the city. Looking at the history of Ankara, the city consists of the first castle and the campus has developed towards the outside of the castle over time. Therefore, there are old Ankara houses, touristic shops, cafes, restaurants, etc., where you can take lots of photos. You can find places.

We especially recommend you to see the Brass Inn. Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel’s poem “Inn Walls” will welcome you on the entrance wall of the inn and you will find many antique shops as well as carpet, wood, glass, etc. You can also examine the shops where the products are sold. 


Çengelhan and Safranhan caravanserais, which were used actively even in the last period of the Ottoman Empire and the first years of the Republic, are historically and commercially important. It is also morally valuable within the Koç family, which is the leading business in Turkiye; The grocery store, where Vehbi Koç started his business life, is located. Most of the artifacts in the museum, located in the Çengelhan caravanserai from the Kanuni period, were donated from the collection of Rahmi Koç.

Among the exhibits, there are some belongings of Atatürk, locomotive models, antique cars, fishman clothes, model toys, doll houses, airplane engines, you can spare about 2 hours for the works exhibited in a wide range and if you want to have a break, you can have a break in a cafe or restaurant that will impress you with its decoration. You can spend time.


From whom we inherited the land we live on, the history from centuries ago is displayed before our eyes with all its charm. We especially recommend it as a cultural trip spot that you can do with your children. Beeswax scene reenactments, Hittite Sun statue, Bronze tablet, Cybele statue, Human, mostly woman and animal statues etc. is located.


The museum, which was opened under the leadership of Atatürk, contains information about the solar system, many fossils, especially animal and plant species in Turkiye. Especially dinosaur fossils and elephant skeletons excite little visitors, and if you are planning a family trip, you should definitely stop by.


Hamamönü, one of the old settlements of Ankara, is one of the places where you can find historical houses, handmade products, souvenirs as well as taste the coffee cooked in the sand. You can also visit the house where Mehmet Akif Ersoy wrote the National Anthem as a museum.


The museum is located in the historical building built with Neoclassical Turkish style architecture. You can examine the beautiful paintings of prominent Turkish painting artists such as Osman Hamdi Bey, İbrahim Çallı and Nuri İyem. There are also sculpture, painting and ceramic workshops, library, theater and concert halls. You can also see the picture of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk taken in this room in the Orient room.


It is the first ethnography museum established in Turkiye. The museum reflects the architectural features of the Republican period in which it was built. From the Seljuk period to the present day, local folk clothes, handicrafts, carpets, china porcelains from various regions of Anatolia, III. Artifacts such as Keyhüsrev’s throne are exhibited.


Although it is located in the city center, it is a park that will take you away from the city! With the successful landscape work, you will unwind in the company of geese and ducks as well as swans. You can have information about the birds in the park with the information board in the park.


Another park located in the city center is located on a larger area; It is clear to understand very well that it is always one of the favorite parks of Ankara residents with its tiny bridges, landscaping, walking paths, benches, skating rink, and small amusement park.


It was founded on the land that Atatürk donated to the Republic of Turkiye. There are lush trees and walking areas where you can breathe with nature. You should go shopping, visit the zoo where you can read the factsheet with your child, the places where you can eat meatballs and kokorec.


Eymir Lake, located on the territory of the Middle East Technical University, which attracts those who see it in our capital, which does not have a coast, is a gift from nature. You can take a long walk by the lake for about 4.5 km, ride a bike, and have a picnic against the reeds.


Another natural wonder that you should visit on your trip to Ankara. It is the habitat of plants and animals as well as its beauty. In addition, it is the Mogan lake that feeds the Eymir lake. You can have a pleasant time in places such as walking and jogging areas, children’s playgrounds, equestrian and sports centers, lighthouse, boathouse, restaurants and cafes, where you can meet different kinds of birds with its unique view.


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